Sarah Sanders received a mandate
from the people of Arkansas with 63% of voters supporting her highest priority
policy agenda that empowers parents to make one of the most important decisions
for their family…how we choose to educate our children.
parents and guardians, we understand our children’s education needs better than
anyone, and income or where we can afford to live should not limit our children’s
opportunity for a quality education. With Arkansas students falling behind in
key education measures, we ask you to trust us, the parents, with deciding what
is best for our children.
Student Based Funding
would unlock greater potential for every student by allowing education funds to
follow the student to the school or services parents decide are best for their
child, no matter the model of education our family chooses.
For families who prefer public school education, Statewide
Open Enrollment would allow students to attend the public school that
better meets their educational needs, regardless of their family’s zip code.
Every student in the state should be eligible to participate in open enrollment
programs that are transparent and based on a school’s capacity to educate them,
not bureaucratic lines.
are individuals and should not be standardized by a bureaucratic system. The
goal of these policies is to allow every child to discover, develop, and apply
their talents and realize their full potential. We have an incredible
opportunity to change the way we do K-12 education in Arkansas and to take a
more student-focused approach this year.
Please join Gov. Sarah Sanders, Americans
for Prosperity – Arkansas, and the growing school choice coalition
of parents, teachers, and students in the push for Student-Based Funding
and Statewide Open Enrollment.