Vote YES on HF 3
Support RIENS Legislation
Hold Legislators Accountable – Support HF 3
Minnesotans deserve a government that is transparent, responsible, and accountable to the people—not unelected bureaucrats. House File 3 (HF 3) is a critical step toward ensuring major regulations receive proper oversight, preventing agencies from imposing costly rules without legislative approval. Right now, unelected officials can create burdensome regulations that impact businesses, workers, and families—without the direct consent of the people’s representatives. That’s not how government should work.
Legislation like HF 3, modeled after REINS-style reforms, is an essential tool to restore accountability. But it’s only one piece of the puzzle. Minnesota also needs stronger cost-benefit analysis requirements and other reforms to ensure government regulations are necessary, effective, and justified. Lawmakers must do more to ensure transparency and responsible governance.
If legislators won’t hold government accountable, we will hold them accountable.
<- Sign your name today and tell your representative: Vote YES on HF 3 and commit to real accountability in government. We are watching.