All Utah Students deserve access to the best education that fits their unique needs.
Protect Utah Fits All!
All students in Utah - no matter their background or zip code - should have access to a quality education that meets their needs and goals. Creating more educational opportunities means that all students will receive a quality education that prepares them for their future to be more competitive in life and the workplace.
The Utah legislature passed the Utah Fits All Scholarship in 2023, and this is the first year students and parents will be able to use it. These funds can be used for educational expenses such as, tutoring, education pods, online programs, private schools, homeschooling costs etc.This program will empower families to select the best education path to fit their child’s needs. I encourage you to join the fight to give Utah students hope!
Utah’s youth deserve the best education that we can offer. Children are unique and one size does not fit all. The same is true for our schools. Utah kids deserve an education that meets their individual needs and prepares them for a bright future.
All students - no matter their background - should have access to a quality education. Creating more education opportunities means that all students will receive an education that prepares them for their future. A Utah Fits All Scholarship will do just that. Consider this;
- Every child deserves a fair shot to succeed, no matter their background, their family's income, or where they are from. Utah Fits All will allow every student to access the school, services, and tools that will meet their individual learning needs.
- Defending Utah Fits All against current lawsuits by the Utah Education Association (learn more here) will mean students will have the ability to customize their education to their unique goals.
- Expanding access to the Utah Fits All program by increasing funding will give the flexibility and choice in education to more Utah students.
Our students can only achieve this through your help!