Help Save Act 10!
Don't Throw Away $16 Billion in Savings
A single Dane County judge has put Wisconsin in a position where we could become Minnesota or Illinois overnight.
This judge, who of course signed the petition to recall then Governor Scott Walker because of the Act 10 reforms, has struck down Act 10, which has saved Wisconsin taxpayers over $16 billion including huge savings for school districts and local governments.
We need look no further than our neighbors in Illinois and Minnesota to see what Wisconsin could become if Act 10 is overturned. Illinois is facing a $3.2 billion budget deficit, while Minnesota went from a $18 billion budget surplus to facing a budget deficit in less than a year. If this ruling stands, Wisconsin taxpayers will be on the hook for billions in new costs, it would end merit pay for the best teachers in our school districts, and it empower public unions to bargain for even more taxpayer funded benefits.
The bottom line is that Act 10 has saved taxpayers billions while providing schools and local governments flexibility in offering services taxpayers expect while being able to attract and retain the best talent available to them.
Show your support for Act 10 remaining law here in Wisconsin, by signing this petition! Together we can save our state from a budget crisis and from becoming Minnesota and Illinois.