Take Action for Alaska's Future

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Sign the Petition
Protect Alaska's Public School Correspondence Programs

~EmpowerED Alaska~

The recent Alaska Superior Court ruling canceling Alaska’s
public school correspondence program severely limited educational options for
families in Alaska overnight, to the detriment of tens of thousands of Alaskan
children, parents, teachers, tutors, and other curriculum and educational
service providers.

Judge Adolf Zeman’s April decision struck down all private
student learning options, to include private tutoring (i.e., Sylvan, Turning
Leaf), private trade school classes and certifications, private college-level
classes, specialized autism therapy, private school classes, and private music
or martial arts lessons.

We stand in strong opposition to the effects of this
court ruling against Alaska’s kids and call upon Alaska's legislators to take
immediate action to move forward a constitutional amendment with clarifying
language to ensure the continued operation of these vitally important
educational options. 

~EmpowerED Alaska~

Paid for by Americans for Prosperity - Alaska, Anchorage, AK. Bethany Marcum, State Director, approves this message.