AFP-KS: Reignite the American Dream!

Do you think our country is heading in the right direction?

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Make Your Voice Heard
1. Have you decided who you are going to support in the 2024 Presidential Election?  (required)

2. When you think about Kansas and the current direction of our state, do you think we are headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?  (required)

3. If you were to pick just one top priority, what issue would be the most important to you?  (required)

4. Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of Educational Freedom policies, the idea that parents have the right to choose the best educational opportunities that meet their child’s unique needs, regardless of geographical barriers?  (required)

5. We all just had to pay our taxes in April. Think about the tax burden put on you this tax season. Do you agree that Kansas lawmakers should do more to lower the tax burden on Kansas taxpayers?  (required)

6. When you think about the spending taking place in Kansas, with us having the largest budget in history every year for the past 4 years, do you think that Kansas lawmakers should do more to reduce government spending?  (required)

7. When you think about your own experience with healthcare in our state, do you agree that Kansas lawmakers should do more to secure a personal option approach that removes barriers and puts patients not government in charge of your health care decisions?  (required)

8. Do you think Kansas lawmakers should do more to protect constitutional liberties such as free speech, peaceful assembly, privacy, and due process?  (required)

9. Thank you for your time! Americans For Prosperity Kansas understands these issues affect you every day. At AFP we are working hard to create positive and effective change for all Kansans. Would you be interested in learning more about us, and staying up to date on opportunities to get involved?  (required)

10. Would you like to opt in to receive an occasional text message update on issues or an email?  (required)

11. Thank you for your time today! Paid for by Americans for Prosperity