AFP-KY is Hiring

Are you interested in part-time work making a difference?

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Join the Fight!
1. Do you have any door to door canvasing experience? If so, was this experience political?  (required)

2. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a role do you think our government currently has in Americans lives? (1 representing the least amount of control, 10 representing the most amount of control.)  (required)

3. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a role do you believe the government should have in a persons life? (1 representing the least amount of control, 10 representing the most amount of control.)  (required)

4. Are you comfortable having political conversations? List an example of a time when you have talked with someone about an issue you did not agree.  (required)

5. When thinking about political issues, what would you consider the top three most important in your life? Why?  (required)

6. Do you have a valid drivers license?  (required)

7. Are you able to walk for an extended period of time?  (required)