Captain Conference Survey

Tell us about your experience at the Captain's Conference

Take the Survey
1. What did you think about the chosen days to have the conference?  (required)

2. What are your thoughts on the amount of time required to attend the conference?  (required)

3. What did you think about the content of the information presented at the conference?  (required)

4. What would you like to see covered at the next conference?  (required)

5. Do you feel that you learned something useful at the conference that you can share with your chapter?  (required)

6. We are planning to do a conference quarterly, is that too often, not often enough, or just right?  (required)

7. On a scale of 1 (Horrible) to 10 (Great), how much did you enjoy or not enjoy the experience?  (required)

8. Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?  (required)

(at least 8 characters)