Don't Lower-48 My Alaska

Share your thoughts on how to create a better Alaska.

We’d love your opinion on a few issues!
Do you think Alaska’s best days are behind us, or do you believe the future of Alaska is strong?  (required)

The average Alaska family’s federal tax bill will rise by $2,305 if the tax cuts of 2017 expire this year. Are you in favor of:  (required)

Alaska has consistently been in the top 10 highest spending states for K-12 education but has also consistently ranked among the lowest for test scores and graduation rates. Which of the following are you willing to do to pay for the large funding increase for school districts that state lawmakers are now considering?  (required)

Alaskan lawmakers are also considering replacing the 401k plans of government workers with a new pension plan, which would cost us up to $11 billion. Which of the following are you willing to do to pay for this new spending?  (required)

Nick Begich was elected in 2024 as Alaska’s only member of the House of Representatives. He has been appointed Vice Chair of the Subcommittee for Energy where he works to expand our domestic energy supply and create new American jobs. Do you support Congressman Begich’s efforts to unleash Alaska’s energy resources?  (required)

Would you be interested in receiving an invitation to our free events to learn more about what we do to bring community together?  (required)