Grassroots Associate Job

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We want to get to know you!
Answer our survey

questions below:

1. On a scale of 1-5 (1=no impact) (5=strong impact), how much influence do you think the government has on American lives?  (required)

2. On a scale of 1-5 (1= no impact) (5=strong impact), how much IMPACT do you think the government SHOULD have on American lives?  (required)

3. Think about political issues... what 3 issues are most important to you and why?  (required)

4. Are you comfortable having conversations with new people?  (required)

5. Do you have a valid driver's license?  (required)

6. Do you have reliable transportation?  (required)

7. Are you comfortable working outdoors?  (required)

8. Are you comfortable having an active job and walking for extended periods of time?  (required)

9. Are you looking for a job with growth opportunities?  (required)

10. Can you work a minimum of 20 hours per week? If not, please share how many hours you can commit to:  (required)

(at least 8 characters)